The Triumph-LS Plus with the Triumph-3 is incredibly robust. With the standard Triumph-LS and Triumph-2 using
GPS and Glonass only, I was able to work in ways I never thought possible, making my business extremely
profitable without sacrificing reliability of my data. The Triumph-LS Plus continues to provide the reliable
results in an incredibly shorter amount of time with its four multi-constellation engines. The Triumph-3 is
incredibly small and powerful. I appreciate the long range Bluetooth and WiFi connections I have with it and
the variety of UHF antennas I can use depending on my desired range with its internal UHF radio. I’m anxious to
see if the external cellular antenna provides even better cellular reception than other models. Because of the
adverse conditions I push RTK to work in, the upgrade cost was easy to justify as I’m sure the return on investment
will be very short given the production gains I’m seeing.
-Shawn Billings, PLS